[june 29] culture clashes

Two back posts about Christians and culture:

My aspiration to be that weird Christian girl who doesn’t watch TV (and why).

Something that’s been on my heart: a believer’s response to televised pain and sensationalized human hurt.

I don’t usually repost old stuff, but this topic is one that I have been convicted about lately.  I hope you will take the time to think about these things and share your thoughts with me.

I truly believe that our generation faces many unique challenges.  In striving to live “in this world but not of it” lives, we must deal with sin manifested in ways our parents and grandparents never experienced.

As believers, it’s so important that we be faithful to spur each other on to live lives that are above reproach, “blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15).  We shouldn’t be afraid to ask tough questions pertinent to our day and age, like, what does the Word have to say about my blog (something I’ve been thinking a LOT about lately), and how can I redeem my Facebook and Twitter, and what about this R-rated movie, and should I be reading People magazine, and questions like this.  Just because the Puritans didn’t ask these questions doesn’t mean God doesn’t care about these very real aspects of our daily lives.  The gospel permeates EVERYTHING, and our Lord wants all of us.  The Bible never loses relevance; it speaks to every day and age and how to live in this world with all its challenges.

Does any of this strike a chord with you?  Has this been on your heart as well?  If so, please share in the comment section your thoughts about Christianity in this culture, or shoot me an email.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Let’s grow together, brothers and sisters, and encourage one another to be lights in THIS world.

4 thoughts on “[june 29] culture clashes

  1. keels, i really appreciated this! it’s something that i too have been thinking about A LOT lately. i agree with it all. it’s funny, because when i stop to think about media relates things i realize just how pointless it all is. the only thing that will last is CHRIST, so that is Who i should be spending the majority of my time getting to know.
    thank you so much for sharing and for being so passionate about Jesus (: what an example you are to me.
    love youu.

    • Aw thanks love, you are so kind:) I agree it’s so easy to get caught up in things that don’t last. It’s a daily battle and one that honestly sometimes I don’t even fight. But I’m thankful for friends like you who encourage me to follow Christ.

      I love you too! And hope you’re having a wonderful summer.

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